Monday 10 November 2008


Friends of Horsham Park - Constitution

The name of the group is Friends of Horsham Park called 'the Friends' in this constitution.

The Friends of Horsham Park's purpose is to conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the Park; to influence and promote opportunities for the public to understand and enjoy the Park.

To work in partnership with Horsham District Council and other interested parties, to help manage and generally look after the Park in a manner that will enhance its value to the community.
To make changes which will be of benefit to visitors to the park and to the flora and fauna living in it.
To make special efforts to encourage children from the local primary schools and other youth groups to take an interest in the park, helping them understand its value in the environment and to the community. Also, to show them ways in which management can enhance this, in the belief that they may continue the work of The Friends' in future.
To formulate an action plan (to include a variety of projects).
To raise awareness and the profile of the park.
To further these objectives the Committee may exercise the following powers:
To set up a bank account in the name of the 'Friends'.
To raise funds and receive contributions and donations, provided that the group shall not undertake any permanent trading activity.
To levy subscriptions/membership fees set by at the AGM.
To produce leaflets/posters to publicise the groups activities.
To hold meetings.
To pay necessary expenses involved in the running of the 'Friends'.

Membership of the 'Friends' shall be open to any person who has an interest in the positive development of Horsham Park.

The group shall elect a committee consisting of not less than 5 members. From amongst the Committee a chairperson, a secretary and a treasurer will be elected.

Other members may be appointed to hold/undertake particular responsibilities within the group e.g. fund-raising.

Committee meetings win be held on a bi monthly basis. Open meetings will be held
at least 4 times a year. Committee members not attending at least 50% of the meetings
in a year will normally be regarded as having stood down

(a) Any money raised shall be used to further the aims of the 'Friends' and for noother purpose.
(b) A bank account will be opened in the name of the 'Friends of Horsham Park'
(c) The group shall decide the signatories to any account set up in the name of thegroup (two out of three signatories to sign any cheque).
(d) A simple written note of the 'Friends' financial position will from time to time beproduced and available at meetings of the committee.
(e) No member shall derive any financial benefit from the 'Friends', except forpayment of reasonable expenses approved beforehand.
(f) No money will be paid out in the name of the 'Friends' without a receipt beingpresented.

Annual General Meeting:
An AGM of the group shall be held every year. All members shall be notified not less than 14 days before the meeting and an agenda will be circulated. The business of the AGM will be:
To receive the Chairman's report of the previous years activities. To receive the Treasurer's report and the audited accounts. To elect Committee Members for the following year.
To conduct any other business that the Committee may see fit to include.
Amendments to the Constitution:
If amendments to the Constitution are necessary, members will be informed in writing
and given the opportunity to consider and vote on the amendments. The amendments will only be made if there is a two-thirds majority vote of ail members.
Voting rights would be limited to Committee members. There is no fixed upper limit for the numbers on the committee to be reviewed at AGM The quorum would be 5 serving committee members

The Friends' may be dissolved by a resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at an AGM. This resolution may give instructions for the disposal of any assets held by or in the name of "The Friends of Horsham Park" provided that if any property remains after the payment of all debts and liabilities, such property shall not be given or distributed among the members but shall be given to other organisations having similar conservation objectives as The Friends'.

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